Monday, September 23, 2013


Well, I don't have pictures to post yet...

We did have a great time in Colorado. There was a lot of rain the first 2 days we were there. It did dry out after that. Which is good, I don't know if that state can hold one more drop of water. ;)

It was wonderful to see my grandparents, parents, Aunts, Uncle and Cousins. I really enjoyed it. We were able to spend a lot of time with my Grandpa George and Grandma Emilie. That was so great.
Mom went to the Zoo with us. The kids loved it.
 It was also good to see good church friends. It's still sad/crazy for me to think that the Colorado Springs church is no more. I know they meet in Fountain! And it was SO great to be there with them. Yet, my heart breaks for the fact that it's gone there in Springs. I wish I could fix it. Anyway....! I was super glad to see Cathy and Jamie. I even got to see Brother Bill ;)

Well, I really have no business to be typing on the computer! We start school again tomorrow. Fun, Fun! ;)


Vicki Smith said...

So glad you got to go home for a visit.
I know what you mean about the Springs church! It breaks my heart. We had a thriving, vibrant church there for so many years. I, too, wish I could "fix it." But God's the only One who can do any fixing. Meanwhile, I praise God for those faithful ones who remain. I know God will richly reward their faithfulness.
--I look forward to pictures! :-)

Dave and Melissa said...

I hope and pray that they can carry on, and that the Lord will bless their efforts a million fold :)