Sunday, October 13, 2013


Ok... I'm going to try my best here! Hope it works. ;)

A few pictures from the Zoo in Springs. It was SO great to be there. I was un able to walk much :/ I was (and still am) in a walking cast/boot thing. Zero fun! But the kids had a blast!! I am So mad at myself I did not get one picture of the kids with my mom and dad :(  I was glad to get a few shots of the kids with my Grandpa George and Grandma Emilie! They are with them and my cousin Allison's son, Brody.  I tossed in the one of Emilie , Tom and Andy. They all played soccer this Fall. I think they all enjoyed it. Andy is a hoot to watch! He was in his own world ;) Just picture Philip Shuler at age 8 playing soccer and that's about it! Okay, I'm super bad at this adding picture thing, but there ya go!


EmileeAnn said...

Great pictures, Melissa.
Love the one of the kids with your grandparents!

ToughLady said...

great pics. I to like the one with youre grandparents great memories.

Vicki Smith said...

How did I miss this post until just now??? You did GREAT with the pictures. Thank you so much. Your kids are so BIG, and your grandparents look GREAT! What a great picture. Too bad you didn't get one of your folks, too. I'm bad for forgetting to get family shots when we're together. But we're planning on being together at Christmas and we've GOT to get a family pic then! I'm going to be SO MAD at myself if we don't!

Dave and Melissa said...

Thanks for looking ladies!