Monday, July 14, 2014

Good night. Good bye!

I doubt too many people read this anymore. I've not been faithful to it. When my mom left the blogging world I kind of quit too. Often it was for her ;) Now we talk in the phone more. That's always nice. Anyhow...
Dave and I will stay busy with 4 kids,responiblity at church, and his work. We are blessed. We had a great family camp in SD. God is so good.
Tim is with Aunt Mandie in Colorado for awhile. Dave and I will take the kids to his his mom and dad for a week at the end of the month. That's the long and the short of it! God bless.:)


ToughLady said...

dont quit the blogging world i read your blogs love hearing about your life even though i am not a good blogger myself..

Tammy K. said...

A week without kids, fun. How cool that Tim went with Mandie. That is pretty cool.

Vicki Smith said...

I'm sad you quit blogging regularly. :-( I miss you.
So glad you got to go to Family Camp. Those are special people there in that Region. I love them!

Vicki Smith said...

And I love you, too. ;-)

Dave and Melissa said...

Thanks ladies ;)
Love to you all!!